Awesome Promo Ticket and Hotel in Riau Islands Can you believe because of the virus, everything is good for you who love to travel. Why I can say that; because most of flights and also hotel make program discount. I know that is not good issue feel graceful because of this issue, but honestly ticket from Jakarta to Tanjungpinang the price around 800,000 IDR. Now, it can be 500,8000 IDR. It’s so cheaper right. This price I looked from the Traveloka. Let’s we check another application the price is almost same around 500,000 IDR. It’s so cool, am I right. You can fly to Bintan island with the good price. 

You can go to Bintan island, Riau Island with the promo ticket. That is the amazing news. It’s not the only the ticket flights get promo, but also five stars hotel in Lagoi (Lagoon area) also offers the good price for family. For example in Laguna Hotel, usually this hotel always get price the cheaper one start 1,600,000 IDR per night and now You can get that price around 750,000 IDR with the family per night. Wow, half price or this discount around 60 percent.

Honestly, I would love to stay there to get great good view and enjoy my holiday. Mostly the hotel gets down for the guesses, because some people afraid to get holiday because of this virus (corona virus). We already get a lot of information about this virus, we should not be afraid because of that. Honestly I was afraid when I should go to Java for two weeks to attend on my cousin wedding. We also made plan to get fun time in Batu, Malang for a few days. Then, continue to Surabaya for one week in the condition issue of Virus corona. 

 This video about adventure in Bintan Island, Indonesia to get gypsy house.

Could you imagine, how was difficult I find the mask for my family before going to holiday. Most of pharmacies are out of stocks to the normal mask. They sell the expensive mask and it was not comfortable to use for one time. It was around 50,000 IDR. I tried to find another pharmacy and viola. I found it and one package with the 5 pcs inside the package around 10,000 IDR.

In that time when we should flight to Surabaya pass to Batam, because we bought tickets direct Batam to Surabaya in that time. My mom always rejected to use mask, because she felts not comfortable. I always remind her to care her health and wear it. We were afraid because our Mom already old and it will be easy to get sick. What we were thinking not true. Mom was greats and gets fun. The reason, she always does home work in garden. She loves get under sun light in morning time to care her garden. She always eats vegetables, fruits and also vitamin and sleep well.

So, in here I make sure myself and no worry about it. At least, I should care myself. Wash my hands before eating. Do not touch my face with hands if my hands aren’t clean. I drink a lot of water and no ice for a while. Actually, in the hot weather I love to eat ice cream, cendol ice (traditional drink Indonesia from rice flavor and mix with coconut milk and palm sugar; so yummy. Am I right?). I should keep my passion to drink that, I won’t get flue; better for me to drink water (mineral water).

So, for all of you that afraid with this virus; you should care your health first before traveling. Make sure yourself, if you feel your body is drop. Do not go! You should feel fit and good energy before decided to go. So, when you are health. Don’t worry to go holiday. This moment is good for some people who believe about their condition are good and fit to get fun. Most the hotels in the Indonesia have great promo, including Riau Islands as Batam Island, Tanjungpinang City, and Bintan island. You will love to get lost here.

This video about adventure in Mangrove, Bintan island. This island has a lot of mangrove forest to enjoy in the noon till night time. It is so awesome

I know most of people in Indonesia never been holiday in Riau islands, including my big family from Balikpapan, Kediri (Java), and Bali. The problem, the price is expensive and also they do not know and interest to come here. When I share some articles about Bintan island, they are so interest and make plan to come here. Unique islands such as white sands island in Bintan Island. This island is not so big island, but that is nice island to get lost. The sands are like smooth and diamond while the sun light get touch on the sands. That is so awesome. You can get trouble either while bare foot because the sands can “fire” your feet. You can run to the beach! The sea is so clean and you can do snorkeling with free without many people around you.

This is Bintan Lagoon Hotel and Resort

That is sound paradise, am I right! That was what I felt. When I get holiday in white sands Island, local people said Pulau Beralas Pasir. Do not forget wear your sun glass and also sun block. So, you will not get worry to get burn after going home. In this time, this place also offers the good price. Per night for two people around 400,000 IDR. That price you can get the facilities as return speedboat ticket, breakfast and also snorkeling tools and many facilities there you can use it and free.

What else, the hotel in Bintan Island offer to promo; Bayan Tree, they offer good price per night around 3,500,000 IDR per night in Villa. This price is already include breakfast for two adult, and also two kids 0-8 years old. You also can get 20 percent discount for drink and food at Laguna Bintan. Plus, free wifi to make you always exist in your social media to show you get fun on your holiday.
Another hotel in Bintan island, where is this five stars hotel with the price per night is so expensive. Now, this price is around 1,500,000 IDR per room per night. This price also include for two adults and two kids 0-8 years old. So awesome right! Honestly, I never stay in this hotel because the price is expensive for my pocket. That is why this hotel mostly for the oversea tourism, because of the price. So, this time, we can get stay with half price in this five stars hotel. Don’t you want to grab this promo also! If you ask me this question, my answer will be say YES, I want to grab this offer and try to get exist and enjoy my time short holiday or just staycation.  

What do you think? Are you still afraid to get holiday in Indonesia. Do not you want to step your feet in Riau Islands as Batam, Bintan and Tanjungpinang. Would you agree, if you are agree; can you share it to your social media. 

Can I holiday with budget
Visiting Goa Maria in Bintan Island
Sensation Holiday in Bintan Island

Be traveler as the way you are



  1. Thanks for story. Before this I afraid to get holiday in Lombok. But now, I will go there.. Thanks

  2. Actualy yes, i'm so afraid to holiday I this month. becaose corona, yes covid 19 make me always stay in home, no more holiday.

    I hope some day can go to Riau Island holiday with my happy family too

  3. Bener banget kak, harga tiket sama penginapan jadi lebih murah ya. Pengen nih jadinya liburan cuma udah hamil gede :")

  4. I'd love to travel to Bintan Island and Lagoi Beach. But I think it's not the right time to get there because I have 3 children and it will be very troubled when they are too tired when travelling.

  5. Kalau saya sih ga takut mb...cuma harus ngumpulin dana hihi.. Kondisi sekarang kita memang harus waspada. Tapi jangan sampai jadi paranoid juga. Yang penting jaga kondisi dan stamina

  6. Pastinya happy banget ya kak bisa dapat harga promo dengan fasilitas dan pemandangan yang keren gitu.

  7. Actually Riau has so many places to visit. Thank you for the ticker promo information. Maybe i Will need it

  8. Salah satu berkah di balik banyaknya wabah ya ya mbak. Minggu lalu saya juga travelling ke Bali/Ubud. Jarang banget nemu turis Indonesia. Harga pesawat agak lebih murah juga. Tapi begitu pulang aga was was, pas banget presiden mengumumkan ada dua positif corona

  9. hmm.. I've never been in Riau before for vacation.
    Maybe coz i have no siblings stay at that area. hehe

  10. Wow. Coba saja seterusnya harga pesawat semurah itu ya, pasti bakal rame lalu lalang pesawat kemana mana. Hahahha

  11. Yes. Of course. Hotel and flight promo because Covid 19 issue. Every country in the world now already lock down, but only in Indonesia just so so. I hope after this crisis, Hotel and flight still promo. Perhaps.

  12. Ujung ujung indonesia memang sangat menarik untuk dikunjungi. Keindahan alam yang asri tidak diragukan lagi.Betul mb, untuk saat ini aktivitas jalan2 saya pribadi menguranginya, masih merasa was was aja untuk beraktivitas jauh ditengah2 kondisi virus yg rame belakangan ini. Save dulu, suatu saat pengen kesana.

  13. Wah lumayan yaa tiketnya.
    Blm pernah aku ke Riau, moga pas corona reda tiket tetep murce hehe
    BTW saya sempet ke Malang dan Surabaya juga pas corona masih di jd problem di Cina aja, pas kebetulan imlekan dan banyak wisatawan asing dari Cina juga ke Batu :(
    Tapi alhamdulillah insyaAllah gpp, yg penting jaga kesehatan ya mbak :D

  14. Riau adalah salah satu bagian Indonesia yang kaya akan para wisata nya. Pulau ini salah satu nya yg bikin akutu mupeng pingin ke Riau.

  15. Riau, kampungnya pak suami yang belum sempat kukunjungi hehehe semoga suatu saat bisa menginjakkan kaki di sana. Saat ini baca-baca aja dulu sambil berharap pas waktunya nanti bisa dapet promo juga

  16. Aku sendiri berpendapat Bintan memang pulau yang mahal sih. Tapi setelah baca artikel ini ya sama aja ya kaya Bali gitu? Penasaran sih pengen kesana, tapi nanti setelah semua sudah kembali normal, semoga aamiin.

  17. Hoah...this is nice information, Sis... you're absolutely right. We shouldn't too worry because of this actual issu, Corona Virus. Riau Islands are amazing places to visit, so do not miss the chance to go there. tfs

  18. bisa dapat promo tiket sekaligus hotel pastinya menggiurkan untuk mencoba sesuatu yang baru di tempat baru. Apalagi di Riau ya kak
